Cosmic Essential Oils

cosmic essentials oils blogCosmic Essential Oils Blog

A blog in the realm of Holistic concepts, wellness lifestyles, therapeutic effects and properties via the Tree and Plant kingdom, "Mother Nature - Gaia" with a passionate heart.  Focusing much within the field of Aromatherapy, an emerging medicinal way to treat many concerns for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body.  Indulge your inner fairy with this informative and delightful blog.  

All articles are copy-written by Robin Michaels unless otherwise noted.

En-Joy!  Robin

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. 
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
  - Aristotle

Herbal.parasite.cleanseThe herbal parasite cleanse lasts 4 to 6 weeks maximum, recommended once a year. Spring and fall are the best seasons for doing a cleanse.  

Keep your diet clean as possible during the parasite cleanse, notably avoiding sugars, processed food, and inflammatory foods. It's common to feel brain and body fatigue at the beginning of the parasite cleanse, which may last 3 to 7 days. Start cleanses when you are in good immune system health.

Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium

Antifungal, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, neuroprotective, helpful in treating and protecting against malaria, and assist with depression and anxiety disorders. Wormwood tastes bitter. 

Mugwort - Artemisia Vulgaris is a commonly found essential oil within the daisy family Asteraceae. The benefits are antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, and menstrual complaints. Helpful for depression and anxiety disorders and is a dream time aid. You could use an external application on the digestive system in conjunction with your internal parasite herbal regime. 


Black Walnut Green Hull - Juglans nigra

Antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, antimicrobial. Aid for the digestive system with a gentle laxative effect promoting gastrointestinal regularity.  


Clove - Syzygium aromaticum

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, balances blood sugar, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, analgesic properties commonly used for toothache, assistive for the immune and digestive systems, and boosts general liver function. 

Clove slows blood clotting; do not use clove if you take blood thinner medications or have the blood disorder hemophilia. 


Click below ↓↓↓ underlined - These are the products I recommend.  You can do a couple of ways via individual herbs or combination.  I have done both ways; it is best to pick which one works best for you or for convenience.  Both herbal companies are excellent.  Consult your ND or MD if you have questions.  Single essential oils are available on my website.

Gaia Herbs Wormwood Black Walnut Supreme 1 Fl Oz, Liquid Extract


Herb Pharm Certified Organic Clove Liquid Extract - 1 Ounce

Herb Pharm Certified Organic Wormwood Liquid Extract for Digestive System Support - 1 Ounce

Herb Pharm Black Walnut Liquid Extract for Cleansing and Detoxifying - 1 Ounce


Making Clove Water - Add one tablespoon of dried cloves to 1/2 quart of boiling water. Turn the pot to simmer for 20 minutes. Let the covered pot sit overnight to cool. Store in the refrigerator. Take six ounces of clove water first thing every morning. Clove tea is good with added lemon, lime, or mandarin orange and honey—(herbal maintenance tea), an excellent tonic for everyday use.

Anthony's Organic Whole Cloves, 1 lb, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Non Irradiated

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The photo is Freerange stock by Mohamed Hassan.