As the Blood is to your body, so is the Essence to the Plant and Tree kingdom. The very life force of the Plants and trees is captured during a process called distillation. Essential oils or Essences are highly concentrated, containing carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, nutrients, and chemicals for the protection and well-being of the Plant and Tree.
Single essential oils - hydrolats - Nut/seed oils. CONTACT ROBIN
Wisdom of the Earth single essential oils “QUALITY” are cultivated from certified organic (under controlled plant population and cultivation where pesticides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers, and growth boosters are not used). Remember, organic is a relative term. For example, the toxicity of the air that the Plant or Tree breathes is not considered within the Organic Act requirements. We are concerned about the abuse of the soil that has been sprayed and saturated by all kinds of chemicals. Not all essence-producing countries like the U.S. and other industrialized countries have polluted their soil. Plants and trees that grow wild are wild and organic, which is a moot point. So-called population growth organic (tree groves) is more an attempt for faddish credibility than reality. This is not to discredit the desire to ensure that the soil where the Plants and Trees grow would meet the Organic Certification requirements in California or Europe, where pollution has been rampant.) , wild crafted (grown and collected in the wild without plant population or cultivation. It is as pure as you can get. i.e., most of your tree essences.), or Bio-Dynamic Farming (usually farming practices are above and beyond organic and kosher. Considered by many the closest humans have come to harmonizing planting and harvesting with Mother Earth, yet they are not genuinely WILD or WILD CRAFTED. Biodynamic farming is done according to astrology “sun, moon, stars, etc.” which is the most ancient practice and actual science.), Pure and Natural (When the process of the preparation and distillation is complete, the essence is free from additives, subtractives, or blends. No pesticides or insecticides are used.). In addition, many essences are Kosher Certified by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. EVERY essence is hand-poured with loving intent, further enhancing its high vibrational energy.
Cosmic Essential Oils, Robin has been a master distributor for Wisdom of the Earth essences since 2006 and WOTIE PEEP since 2004. Cosmic Essential Oils, Robin offers professional, courteous, prompt, and mindful attention with all your orders. Thank you for your continued support. I truly appreciate your business!
In dandelion wishes and fairy flutters,
Cosmic Essential Oils, Robin